Family Crisis Therapist

Family Crisis Therapist
K-5 Early Intervention Program

We have a Family Crisis Therapist on our staff, Mrs. Mary Ann Edgison. Mrs. Edgison provides a variety of services. She works closely with the building principal, nurse and school counselor to insure that students and families are aware of and receive the services they need.

One of the functions of our FCT is to act as a liaison between the family, school, and outside agencies. The FCT is knowledgeable about the entire school population and their staff. FCT’s can assist community partners to link with our school community.

If you need to contact Mrs. Edgison, please call:  302-672-1645.

How can our FCT help?

Provide Individual, Group and Family Counseling.

Facilitate Child/Parent Support Groups and Social Skills workgroups for children.

Provide crisis intervention, conflict resolution and discipline alternatives.

Participate on the school’s Student Intervention Teams.

Collaborate with the school and outside agencies.

Resource Linkage (as needed).

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Criteria for selection into the K0-5 Early Intervention Programs is as follows:

The child must attend one of the participating schools.

The child must be recommended by school personnel. Each school has a team of professionals who review recommendations.

Since the FCT provides intensive services, only a limited number of children and their families can be served. Priority for selection is given to children exhibiting the greatest need.

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